Facebook for business is a no-brainer – but getting all the wizardry behind Facebook Advertising right can still prove a bit overwhelming (or intimidating) to the uninitiated!
We’ve had two new clients express confusion about the Facebook Pixel this week, so here’s the skinny.
What IS this Sorcery?!
While Facebook newbies could be forgiven for assuming the site’s ads to be powered by some kind of witchcraft, there isn’t actually anything magic going on here. The Facebook Pixel is simply a snippet of code that’s unique to your Facebook Ad Account.
This code is designed to help you measure the effectiveness of your advertising, understand the actions people are taking on your website, and reach targeted audiences. Science!
Who’s it For?
The Facebook Pixel is for anyone running Facebook ads. If you currently spend money promoting your products or services on Facebook and you don’t have the Facebook Pixel installed, you should definitely make it a priority to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck!
What Does it DO?
The Facebook Pixel has three key functions:
It tracks conversions
It optimises your ads for conversions
It allows you to retarget specific audiences
In the case of retargeting – also known as remarketing – the Facebook Pixel enables you to retarget people based on specific actions they took on your website, such as subscribing, adding a product to a wishlist or cart, or searching for a specific product. This means that if, for example, someone adds a product to their cart then abandons their purchase, Facebook can give them a nudge to buy by displaying that product to them in ads. Clever!
How Do You Set It Up?
Facebook provides you with your short piece of unique code – you just add it to your website (or ask an expert to do it for you). While you don’t need to be a developer or know code to install and use your pixel, inserting it correcting is crucial.
If you want to set up your Pixel yourself, just go to your Facebook advertising account, and from the top tab click on Pixel, then activate it. To set it up on your website, simply add the snippet of code between the HEAD tags of your website pages.
If in doubt, give our head honcho Fleur a call on 021 045 6275, or flick her an email! We can sort out your Facebook Pixel, your paid advertising, your Facebook management and content, and a whole lot more to help your business to Facebook like a bawse.