From turning spelling goofs into marketing gold to forgoing branding almost altogether in the future – the marketing industry is in a state of rapid change!

L&P Spins Spelling Error

Iconic Kiwi soda L&P has released a batch of (very) limited edition cans featuring an incorrect spelling of Cook Strait – and their marketing department are claiming customers should hold on to them, given that they “could become a collector’s edition one day.”

Pretty clever spin on a proofing error!


Inject Your Marketing with Authenticity

Authenticity is the secret sauce that separates the transactional experience — money in exchange for a product or service with no emotional connections — from the relationship experience. It’s what turns buyers into brand disciples.

Check out seven tips on how you can inject more authenticity into your brand’s marketing efforts via a recent article from Forbes.


Reimagining Marketing

A growing number of thought leaders believe a traditional approach to marketing is becoming increasingly less effetcive in today’s content-driven world. CEO and Editor-in-Chief of RSL Media, Rob Levin, writes for Forbes that a reimagining of what marketing is could be the key to competing in 2018.


Instagram Direct

Are all the major social platforms running out of fresh ideas – or are they learning to evolve to meet the needs of users?

Instagram Direct now lets users send pictures and videos that disappear after they have been viewed once. After the person you’ve sent the image or clip to opens and views it, it will disappear from your conversation forever. Sound familiar?

Marketing commentators are suggesting these moves toward disappearing media can help businesses with their marketing, since younger users are eager for novelty and exclusivity.


A How To Guide: Becoming an Influencer

Brands and retailers are tapping into the power of influencers to help sell their products and services to a large and engaged audience. Interested in becoming an influencer? Entrepreneur India offers some great tips on how to become a major player on Instagram.


Is Brand-Free the Future of Branding

Conventional wisdom has told us that in order make it in the beauty industry, a brand must have a “personality.” Over the past few years, however, a growing number of companies have begun turning that model on its head by foregoing the bells and whistles in favor of a more authentic and transparent approach.