One-off cost of $1,495+GST

Not quite ready to invest in a full Facebook advertising package?
Wary of blindly ‘boosting’ your posts without the support of an expert?

SUPER BOOSTING is the package you’ve been looking for!

Custom Audiences created by a Facebook Ads Expert

There’s a catch-22 for small businesses when it comes to Facebook advertising.
Many business owners understand the value in Facebook ads and professional campaign management – but find their budget is too small for a full management solution. In short…

You need more customers to pay for expert ad management, and you need expert ad management to get more customers!

It’s a common problem we navigate with small business owners time and time again – which is why Market My Company offers a clever solution, to bridge the gap while you grow your business!

Facebook Super Boosting

Designed to help you boost your own posts with expert targeting and none of the other bells and whistles, our SUPER BOOSTING service helps you reach the RIGHT people and drive sales – so you have more budget to invest into your Ad-spend.

While SUPER BOOSTING doesn’t offer everything included in our full campaign creation and management packages (strategy, copywriting, design, set up, management and reporting), it’s a great option for anyone seeking a lower-cost alternative and get a boost in their Facebook Advertising results.

Unsure if you need our Super Boosting service, or full Facebook Advertising Management?
Contact our team today and let’s chat!

Expert Targeting without the cost

When it comes to Facebook ads, your content (copy, images and video) are important – but it’s the targeting that really drives results.

While most small business owners we work with are more than comfortable creating their own posts, they’re in-experienced when it comes to audience targeting. As a result, ads are often promoted to a wider audience than necessary, or to an audience that doesn’t match their ideal customer, or those people likely to convert to sales.

With SUPER BOOSTING, you create your own posts and pay only for the magic you need: Expert targeting. Simple!

How Does It Work?

  • Fill in our quick SUPER BOOSTING ENQUIRY form below
  • We’ll get in touch to discuss your business, goals and customers
  • You’ll provide access for ads management
  • Our experts will develop custom targeted audiences – just as we would for our full management customers
  • We’ll pop those shiny new custom audiences directly in your Boost Menu

You’ll then choose from those audiences, whenever you want to boost a post…

And you’ll never again need to worry about who you’re showing your ads to!

It’s that easy – because we’re big fans of help our clients work SMARTER, not harder!

Here’s What You’ll Get

Not 1… not 3… but up to TEN highly targeted custom audiences – developed especially for your business, including vital RE-TARGETING audiences

Your audiences will include people who have previously visited your website, people in your email database, people who engage with your Facebook and Instagram posts, videos and events, look-alike audiences of your current followers, as well as NEW prospects who Facebook identifies as already being interested in your industry, products or services, and who behave like your current customers.

You’ll also receive access to our SUPER BOOSTING video tutorial, lead by Market My Company Director Fleur, handy How To and Quick Tips reference guides, and one month of FREE support via email and Facebook Messenger, up to 2 hours total.