Want to learn more about Digital Marketing?
Losing traction with traditional forms of advertising?
If you need guidance deciding which online marketing tools are going to get the best outcomes for YOUR business, the Market My Company team are bona fide and unabashed cyber nerds – and experts in Digital Marketing.
We’re here to help you put your best foot forward online, reach your target audience and convert online looky-loos into active, engaged and loyal repeat customers.
What is Digital Marketing?
Also commonly referred to as online marketing, Digital Marketing encompasses all marketing and promotion products and services using digital technologies and platforms.
Digital Marketing covers a wide portfolio of popular services, including...
- Digital Strategy
- Google AdWords
- Google Analytics
- Google My Business Listings
- Content Marketing
- Social Media Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Video Marketing
- Retargeting
Why Digital Marketing Matters
Unless you have an exceptionally niche product and target market (selling hemp blankets to off-the-grid hipsters, or tinfoil helmets to conspiracy theorists, perhaps?), we can just about guarantee that your customers are online.
The tween who loves fashion? She’s Snapchatting her friends while begging her parents to buy her that on-point backpack she’d being retargeted for.
The DINK (double-income-no-kids) millennial couple? They’re tagging each other in Facebook product posts over dinner and impulse buying daily deals via email.
The Mum of two who shares a minimum of three pics of her kids on Instagram each day? She’s buying educational toys (and Rosé) online, based on the recommendations of her favourite bloggers.
The retiree who spends his newly found free time tinkering on a classic car or tending to his garden? He’s researching the best deals on the iPad his grandkids brought him and buying spare parts on TradeMe.
Experts in Digital
Market My Company’s experts have a wealth of experience in digital strategy, writing for the web, social engagement and web design – which means we’re genuinely passionate about digital marketing and getting YOUR business noticed online.
Want to learn more? Let’s jam! Contact our team to discover how digital marketing can benefit your business, and request a FREE QUOTE.
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Contact us today to talk shop, request a quote, and begin making your brand AWESOME online.