New Zealand has moved into Level 2 – and according to data recently released by global adult entertainment leader Pornhub, a LOT of Kiwis have been very busy during the lockdown. Just check out the spike in usage over the past few weeks!


So… why the interest in porn usage in NZ? We’ve been working on an adult-content website! And if you followed our lockdown vlogs the first week of Level 4, you’ll know this hasn’t been an easy feat while working from home with kids in the house.

Market My Company has been helping Calendar Girls with their digital marketing for some time now – and when the business was forced to close their doors last month we worked fast to think about their changing needs. We knew an online platform was the best solution: not only to offer Calendar Girls’ customers another option, but also to allow dancers to generate income while working from home. is a live cam destination and adults only platform, connecting Calendar Girls customers with dancers online. Our aim was to create a virtual offering that complemented their in-house experience while allowing opportunities for online growth. In building the platform around this objective, follows a membership model – giving users access to premium, members-only content such as photos, videos, live-cam streaming, private messaging and more.

Although it’s not yet perfect (we’re getting there!), the site has huge potential for growth, and more than 300 users have already signed up since going live last night. While we’re still making a few tweaks to some of the more complex functionality, it was decided soft-launch (for lack of a better term!!) now is better than closed doors due to zero income.

This site has been a fantastic challenge for our team, and we’re confident the platform is going to continue growing as the Government loosens restrictions and Calendar Girls reopens its doors. Having an online component to their business was already part of their long-term plan – the lockdown simply pushed the project along, meaning Kiwis get to connect with the gorgeous team at CGs online now. Win-win!