The world of digital has opened up a wealth of possibilities in marketing – but believe us: print is not dead! Actually, having a good quality brochure to promote your business may now be more important than ever.

Seriously?! YES. Let’s discuss…

It’s Real World

In a world where most of us are connected to some form of technology 12+ hours a day, people are embracing opportunities to unplug and get their hands on something tactile. Now that online has become the norm, OFFLINE has become unique and different. When you hand someone a great looking brochure, it captures their attention and piques their curiosity.

Creates a Dialogue

Whether you’re handing them out at meetings, trade shows or in-store, a brochure is a great way to open up conversation with clients and prospects face-to-face. Rather than sending someone away to look at your website for more info, a brochure allows you to get that information directly into their hands, on the spot, while also acting as an icebreaker.

A Takeaway Elevator Pitch

Every business owner knows the importance of nailing their elevator pitch. Well, your brochure is like an elevator pitch someone can take away with them – beautifully presented in a professional and appealing package. Your brochure concisely conveys the who, what and why – and encourages your prospects to take the next step by visiting your website or setting up a meeting for more information.

ZERO Bounces!

Unlike a website, which at any given moment is competing with millions of other websites for attention, a brochure can hold the attention of a captive audience. While prospects may bounce away from your website in a matter of seconds, physically holding your brochure gives them a reason to pause, flip and scan. With a brochure, your prospect has to at least hold the paper in their hands prior to disposal.

Touch Tactile

A brochure allows you to connect with your target audience in a way that digital simply can’t – by tapping in the sense of touch. Research suggests that a company can establish a stronger brand identity within the mind of a consumer when they are able to literally hold your brand in their hands.

The Psychology of Note-Taking

A brochure is a tangible item that potential clients and customers can flip through and, importantly, make notes on. When you leave a space for clients to add a note or appointment time etc, they’re far more likely to keep your brochure and refer back to it later. It’s human nature.

Showcases Professionalism

A good brochure in business is like a firm handshake. One that’s well designed and printed on good quality stock can make a great first impression, convey professionalism and confidence, and help to build trust in your brand right off the bat.

You know the drill! Contact Fleur and the team at Market My Company today to discuss your brochure and print media needs or request a quote.